Literacy and Numeracy Support Assessment Service (Twice a Year)

Our Learner Profiler service is a simple yet powerful approach to measuring learner competency and identifying learning challenges regarding Literacy and Numeracy (not curriculum). We will provide a detailed report on every learner, class, or grade. The Assessment is recommended at least twice a year over three years, while shorter testing intervals are possible. Measuring over time will allow for a baseline assessment and continuous benchmarking journey. The feedback reports will assist the educator and parent close learning gaps in the literacy and numeracy profile. Furthermore, the summative reports can assist in district reporting. Literacy and numeracy screening services are also available for special projects or measurements.
Developing an Annual Bullying Profile of the School or Target Group

We will screen learners in Grades 5-7 and provide a profile and prevalence of bullying in the target school or group. If done annually, the leadership can have an idea of the annual learning safety profile of the school. This information can inform the learning risk profile of the school/group. Authorities can use the data from the survey to inform intervention strategies.
Screening for Learning Influences and Wellness (Health & Learning Impact Disability/s)

Developing A Learning Profile of A Person/Class/Grade or Group – Our screening assists teaching authorities in establishing a clear understanding of how an individual or group learns best. Furthermore, the data provides invaluable insight into preferred learning styles. The information generated from the screening can inform an educator or parents on how to adapt teaching styles and classroom curricula. The screening services go further by obtaining student health and wellbeing information. The data assist in identifying health and wellness influences on the individual, its impact on learning and the responses required. The early detection information informs the Screening Identification and Assessment (SIAS 2014) process.
Screening for Study Skills – Ready to Learn

Study Skills are the fundamentals of learning. Students must know how to manage time, organise themselves for tests and exams, manage stress, approach learning tasks through note-taking and memory skills etc. Our services aim to obtain a profile and give insight into where the students need support. We produce individual and group reports which can guide interventions.
Career Guidance and Pre-Screening for Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Readiness

This service prepares students for entry into a TVET College. Higher Education has become a contested space with large numbers of students competing for ever-decreasing seats in Higher Education. The limited number of students accepted at Universities each year, together with the misconception about the value of a TVET Career, means that thousands of students are disappointed with dreams either broken or deferred with no guarantees of further access. Colleges are also starting to grade the quality of students who are applying. A better equipped and qualified student is much desired and preferred. Our service will help prepare students for the option of success at a TVET College.
Providing Students with Mathematics Training through E-Learning

The education support service is invaluable for current & post-school success. Our self-learning digitally guided Maths & Study Skills programme aims to close the learning gaps of the fundamentals. The Maths modules have learning activities complemented by video examples to guide the student. There is virtually no need for educator intervention (although the background presence of an interested teacher is priceless, of course). Our service will track their performance, and the self-assessment quizzes guide our monitors, helping them motivate learners.
Providing Study Skills Training & Support Through E-Learning

The Study Skills modules present as self-learning activities that aim to address the required knowledge needed to make study a success. The skills acquired also becomes invaluable for taking on the matric and subsequent years of study at Higher Learning institutions. Learners work through the guided modules and are assessed for understanding at every step of the self-learning process. The outcome is a learner who has a deeper understanding of the methods, ideas and approaches to making a success of learning content.